Upgrading to Commerce 3

If you’re upgrading from Commerce 1, see the Changes in Commerce 2 (opens new window) and upgrade to the latest Commerce 2 version before upgrading to Commerce 3.

# Preparing for the Upgrade

Before you begin, make sure that:

  1. You’ve reviewed the changes in Commerce 3 (opens new window)
  2. Your site’s running at least Craft 3.4 and the latest version of Commerce 2 (2.2.27)
  3. Your database is backed up in case everything goes horribly wrong

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’re ready continue with the upgrade process.

# Performing the Upgrade

Like updating any Craft CMS plugin, you’ll want to update Commerce locally and sync any resulting project config changes into production (opens new window).

  1. Edit your project’s composer.json’s "require" section to specify Commerce 3:
    "craftcms/commerce": "^3.0",
  2. In your terminal, run composer update to pull the latest project dependencies—including Commerce 3—into your vendor/ directory.
  3. Run php craft migrate/up --track=plugin:commerce to run the migrations that bring Commerce data up to date with the latest version.

Once you’re running the latest version of Craft Commerce, you’ll need to update your templates and any custom code relevant to the topics detailed below.

# Order Emails

Order notification emails are now sent via a queue job, so we highly recommend running a queue worker as a daemon (opens new window) to avoid customer email notification delays.

Previously emails would be generated during customer checkout, which could cause the order completion page to take a prolonged time to display (especially with PDF generation involved). This change gives your customers a better checkout experience.

No changes are needed for emails to continue to work, but ensuring your queue is working correctly will ensure everything goes smoothly.

# Edit Order page

Plugins and modules that modify the Edit Order page are likely to break with this update as the page is now a Vue.js (opens new window) application. The same Twig template hooks are still available, but inserting into the part of the DOM controlled by Vue.js will not work.

# Data Tables

All data tables throughout the control panel use the new Craft 3.4 Vue.js-based data table, so any extensions of those old HTML tables are likely to break.

# Permissions

We have added the “Edit orders” and “Delete orders” user permissions, but users with the existing “Manage orders” permission will not automatically get these new permissions, so updating those users and user groups would be required.

# Cart Merging

Automatic cart merging has been removed.

The cart is still retrieved from the front end templates using craft.commerce.carts.cart in your templates, but the optional mergeCarts param has been removed, and it is no longer possible to automicatically merge previous carts of the current user.

We now recommend the customer manually adds items from the previous carts to their current cart. An example of this is in the example templates.

Merging carts as manual process is better since the customer can decide what to do with any validation issues like maximum quanity rules. The previous merge feature would just fail to merge correctly with no error messages.

This change is also mitigated by the fact that the previous cart of the current user is now loaded as the current cart when calling craft.commerce.carts.cart automatically.

# Order Recalculations

Previously, a saved order would only be recalculated if it was still a cart, meaning Order::isCompleted was false.

The introduction of order editing required more sophisticated recalculation that can be achieved with three order recalculation modes.

Mode Recalculates
Recalculate All (opens new window) All line items (from purchasables) and all adjustments.
Removes line item if purchasable is out of stock.
Default mode for carts.
Adjustments Only (opens new window) All order adjustments; doesn’t change line items.
None (opens new window) Nothing; does not change anything about the order.

If you’re using event listeners or plugins to save orders, you may want to check and set the mode prior to saving to ensure recalculation behaves as expected. In this example, we’re avoiding any recalculation on our custom save by setting the recalculation mode to Order::RECALCULATION_MODE_NONE:

$originalRecalculationMode = $order->getRecalculationMode();


// restore original mode to avoid unexpected issues with other events, plugins, etc.

# Twig Template Breaking Changes

Use the table below to update each breaking change in your Twig templates.

Old New
variant.purchasableId variant.id
craft.commerce.carts.cart(true, true) craft.commerce.carts.cart(true)
craft.commerce.carts.cart(false, true) craft.commerce.carts.cart(false)
craft.commerce.availableShippingMethods cart.availableShippingMethodOptions
craft.commerce.cart craft.commerce.carts.cart
craft.commerce.countriesList craft.commerce.countries.allCountriesAsList
craft.commerce.customer craft.commerce.customers.customer
craft.commerce.discountByCode craft.commerce.discounts.discountByCode
craft.commerce.primaryPaymentCurrency craft.commerce.paymentCurrencies.primaryPaymentCurrency
craft.commerce.statesArray craft.commerce.states.allStatesAsList
craft.commerce.states.allStatesAsList craft.commerce.states.getAllEnabledStatesAsListGroupedByCountryId
currentUser.customerFieldHandle craft.commerce.customers.customer

# Form Action Changes

Old New Docs
commerce/cart/remove-line-item commerce/cart/update-cart Updating the Cart
commerce/cart/update-line-item commerce/cart/update-cart Updating the Cart
commerce/cart/remove-all-line-items commerce/cart/update-cart Updating the Cart

# Event Changes

Old New
craft\commerce\models\Address::EVENT_REGISTER_ADDRESS_VALIDATION_RULES craft\base\Model::EVENT_DEFINE_RULES
craft\commerce\services\Reports::EVENT_BEFORE_GENERATE_EXPORT craft\base\Element::EVENT_REGISTER_EXPORTERS

# Custom Adjuster Types

In order to improve compatibility with payment gateways and tax systems, custom adjuster types have been deprecated.

Custom adjusters must extend the included craft\commerce\adjusters\Discount (opens new window), craft\commerce\adjusters\Shipping (opens new window), or craft\commerce\adjusters\Tax (opens new window).

# Discount Category Matching

Commerce 3 adds a Categories Relationship Type field for choosing how designated purchasable categories may be used to match a discount or sale promotion. Its options are “Source”, “Target”, and “Either”. (See the Craft CMS Relations (opens new window) page for more on what each means.)

Commerce 2 used discount categories as the “Source” for discount matches, and existing discounts are migrated from Commerce 2 with that option selected. It’s important to consider the relationship type as you work with discounts in Commerce 3 since the Categories Relationship Type can impact how discounts and sales are applied and its default match type is “Either”.

# Custom Line Item Pricing

If your store customizes line item pricing with the populateLineItem event, it’s important to know that the salePrice property is handled differently in Commerce 3.

Commerce 2 set the line item’s salePrice to the sum of saleAmount and price immediately after the populateLineItem event. Commerce 3 does not modify salePrice after the event is triggered, so any pricing adjustments should explicitly set salePrice.

# Commerce 2 Example

If we’re setting a line item’s price to $20 in Commerce 2 and we want the cart price to be $15, we’d modify the price and saleAmount properties on the line item:


use craft\commerce\events\LineItemEvent;
use craft\commerce\services\LineItems;
use craft\commerce\models\LineItem;
use yii\base\Event;

    function(LineItemEvent $event) {
        // @var LineItem $lineItem
        $lineItem = $event->lineItem;

        // setting custom price
        $lineItem->price = 20;

        // setting amount to be discounted from price
        $lineItem->saleAmount = -5;

# Commerce 3 Example

To accomplish the same thing in Commerce 3, we would need to set price and salePrice:


use craft\commerce\events\LineItemEvent;
use craft\commerce\services\LineItems;
use craft\commerce\models\LineItem;
use yii\base\Event;

    function(LineItemEvent $event) {
        // @var LineItem $lineItem
        $lineItem = $event->lineItem;

        // setting custom price
        $lineItem->price = 20;

        // setting discounted price
        $lineItem->salePrice = 15;

# Current Customer

The Customer field on Craft’s currentUser (i.e. currentUser.customerFieldHandle, where customerFieldHandle is the field handle you chose) was removed in Commerce 3. Retrieving the current customer can now be done consistently through the customers service:

{# gets the customer active in the current session #}
{% set customer = craft.commerce.customers.customer %}

# Customer Info Field

The Customer Info field type has been removed. If you previously added a Customer Info field to any field layouts, you’ll need to remove them manually.

By default, customer information is displayed in a tab for each user in the control panel. You can control whether this tab is shown using the Commerce showCustomerInfoTab setting.