Global Variables
This document is for a version of Craft CMS that is no longer supported. Please refer to the latest version →
Every single template is going to get loaded with the following variables:
# now
A datetime object set to the current date and time.
Today is {{ now|date('M j, Y') }}.
# siteName
The name of your site, as defined in Settings → General.
<h1>{{ siteName }}</h1>
# siteUrl
The URL of your site. (See How Craft Determines the Site URL (opens new window))
<link rel="home" href="{{ siteUrl }}">
# currentUser
A UserModel object set to the currently logged-in user (if there is one).
{% if currentUser %}
Welcome, {{ currentUser.friendlyName }}!
{% endif %}
# loginUrl
The URL to your site’s login page, based on the loginPath config setting.
{% if not currentUser %}
<a href="{{ loginUrl }}">Login</a>
{% endif %}
# logoutUrl
The URL Craft uses to log users out, based on the logoutPath config setting. Note that Craft will automatically redirect users to your homepage after going here; there’s no such thing as a “logout page”.
{% if currentUser %}
<a href="{{ logoutUrl }}">Logout</a>
{% endif %}
# Global Set Variables
Each of your site’s global sets get GlobalSetModel object to represent them.
<p>{{ companyInfo.companyName }} was established in {{ companyInfo.yearEstablished }}.</p>