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DateTime objects provide information about a given date/time.

For a full list of all of the available date and time formatting symbols, see the PHP date (opens new window) reference.

# Methods

DateTime objects have the following methods:

# atom()

Returns the date/time formatted for an Atom feed (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP). (See the atom-feed example template.)

<published>{{ entry.postDate.atom }}</published>

Returns the date/time formatted for a HTTP cookie (l, d-M-y H:i:s T).

# day()

Returns the 1- or 2-digit day of the month.

# getTimestamp()

Returns the date formatted as a Unix timestamp.

# localeDate()

Returns the date formatted in the current locale’s preferred date format (n/j/y for en_us, d/m/y for en_gb, etc.).

# localeTime()

Returns the time formatted in the current locale’s preferred time format (g:i A for en_us, H:i for en_gb, etc.).

# month()

Returns the 1- or 2-digit month.

# iso8601()

Returns the date/time formatted in the ISO-8601 spec (Y-m-d\TH:i:sO).

# rfc822()

Returns the date/time formatted in the RFC 822 spec (D, d M y H:i:s O).

# rfc850()

Returns the date/time formatted in the RFC 850 spec (l, d-M-y H:i:s T).

# rfc1036()

Returns the date/time formatted in the RFC 1036 spec (D, d M y H:i:s O).

# rfc1123()

Returns the date/time formatted in the RFC 1123 spec (D, d M Y H:i:s O).

# rfc2822()

Returns the date/time formatted in the RFC 2822 spec (D, d M Y H:i:s O).

# rfc3339()

Returns the date/time formatted in the RFC 3339 spec (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP).

# rss()

Returns the date/time formatted for an RSS feed (D, d M Y H:i:s O). (See the rss-feed example template.)

<pubDate>{{ entry.postDate.rss }}</pubDate>

# w3c()

Returns the date/time formatted in the W3C’s spec (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP).

# w3cDate()

Returns the date formatted in the W3C’s spec (Y-m-d).

# year()

Returns the 4-digit year.

<p>Copyright {{ now.year }} Pixel &amp; Tonic, Inc.</p>

# See Also

You can output your date in any format you’d like using Twig’s date (opens new window) filter:

<p>Today’s date is {{ now|date("M d, Y") }}.</p>

You can get a date that is relative to an existing DateTime object using Twig’s date_modify (opens new window) filter:

{% set tomorrow = now|date_modify("+1 day") %}
<p>Tomorrow’s date is {{ tomorrow|date("M d, Y") }}.</p>