Queue Jobs

Craft uses a queue for processing background tasks like updating indexes, propagating entries, and pruning revisions. You can write simple queue job classes to register your asynchronous queue tasks.

This feature relies on Yii’s queue system (opens new window), to which Craft adds a BaseJob (opens new window) class for some perks:

  • The ability to set a fallback description for the job.
  • The ability to label and report task progress for a better user experience.

# To Queue or Not to Queue

An ideal queue job is something slow that the a user shouldn’t have to wait on while using a site’s front end or the control panel. Multi-step processes and actions that connect with third-party APIs can be ideal candidates for queueing.

Critical tasks, however, should not necessarily be entrusted to the queue. A default Craft install will have runQueueAutomatically enabled and be reliant on a control panel browser session to trigger the queue. This could result in queue processing delays for infrequently-accessed sites.

Similarly, failed queue jobs may pause the queue and require admin intervention. Both are worth considering as you’re contemplating whether or not to utilize a queue job for your plugin or custom module.

# Writing a Job

You can add your own queue job by first writing a class that extends craft\queue\BaseJob (opens new window) and implements execute().

This example class sends an email:


namespace modules\jobs;

use craft\mail\Message;

class MyJob extends \craft\queue\BaseJob
     * @inheritdoc
    public function execute($queue): void
        $message = new Message();

        $message->setSubject('Oh Hai');
        $message->setTextBody('Hello from the queue system! 👋');

        try {
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            // Don’t let an exception block the queue
            \Craft::warning("Something went wrong: {$e->getMessage()}", __METHOD__);

     * @inheritdoc
    protected function defaultDescription(): string
        return \Craft::t('app', 'Sending a worthless email');

# Updating Progress

If your job involves multiple steps, you might want to report its progress while it’s executing.

You can do this with BaseJob’s setProgress() (opens new window) method, whose arguments are

  • the queue instance
  • a number between 0 and 1 representing the percent complete
  • an optional, human-friendly label describing the progress

We can modify our example execute() method to send an email to every Craft user and report the job’s progress.

Do not lightheartedly send an email to every Craft user. Not cool.


public function execute($queue): void
    $users = \craft\elements\User::findAll();
    $totalUsers = count($users);

    foreach ($users as $i => $user) {
            $i / $totalUsers,
            \Craft::t('app', '{step, number} of {total, number}', [
                'step' => $i + 1,
                'total' => $totalUsers,

        $message = new Message();

        $message->setSubject('Oh Hai');
        $message->setTextBody('Hello from the queue system! 👋');

        try {
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            // Don’t let an exception block the queue
            \Craft::warning("Something went wrong: {$e->getMessage()}", __METHOD__);

# Adding Your Job to the Queue

Once you’ve created your job, you can add it to the queue:

use mynamespace\queue\jobs\MyJob;

\craft\helpers\Queue::push(new MyJob());

You can do this wherever it makes sense—most likely in a controller action or service.

# Specifying Priority

You can specify priority when pushing a job by passing an integer in a second argument:

use mynamespace\queue\jobs\MyJob;

\craft\helpers\Queue::push(new MyJob(), 10);

The default priority is 1024, and jobs with a lower priority are executed first.

Not all queue drivers support setting a priority; Queue::push() will attempt to set it and fall back to pushing without a priority if the driver throws a NotSupportedException.