New in Craft 5
Authoring experience. Content modeling. Developer experience.
It’s our biggest, most ambitious update ever.
Matrix in Matrix
Matrix is more powerful than ever. Manage nested entries instead of blocks. Use cards, entry lists, or the classic blocks view mode to display complex content clearly.
Field Instances
Reuse custom fields in the same field layout—each with its own name, handle, instructions, and conditions.

- Address
- Assets
- Categories
- Checkboxes
- Color
- Country
- Date
- Dropdown
- Entries
- Icon
- Lightswitch
- Matrix
- Money
- Multi-select
- Number
- Plain Text
- Radio Buttons
- Table
- Tags
- Time
- Users
- Address
- Assets
- Categories
- Checkboxes
- Color
- Country
- Date
- Dropdown
- Entries
- Icon
- Lightswitch
- Matrix
- Money
- Multi-select
- Number
- Plain Text
- Radio Buttons
- Table
- Tags
- Time
- Users
- Address
- Assets
- Categories
- Checkboxes
- Color
- Country
- Date
- Dropdown
- Entries
- Icon
- Lightswitch
- Matrix
- Money
- Multi-select
- Number
- Plain Text
- Radio Buttons
- Table
- Tags
- Time
- Users
Addresses and Icon fields
Craft now includes 23 built-in custom field types.
Familiar, but better
Every corner of the control panel design has been touched up to be lighter, crisper, and friendlier.

Know where you are, and jump elsewhere quickly, with the new breadcrumbs.
Multiple Authors
Entries are no longer limited to having a single author.

Bulk inline editing
Custom Fields
Easily define your content with custom fields.
All of your custom field types are managed centrally in Craft.

New in Craft 5: Custom Fields are automatically organized for you. See where they are used, search them, identify them with an icon, and reuse them.
Live Preview
Immediately see how your content will look, while editing. Get a preview URL to share your work-in-progress with others.

Templates in Craft are powered by Twig, the elegant templating system from the creators of Symfony.
Relate anything-to-anything. Edit the item you’re relating without ever leaving your current context.

Asset Management
Manage assets, and give them custom fields. Store files locally, or with cloud-based storage providers like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Craft Cloud.

Translate and localize content—from a single field, to your entire project.
User Management
Set detailed permissions for groups or individual users. Allow public user registration with Craft Pro.

Craft includes a built-in GraphQL API, and a fully-headless mode.
Plugin Store
Extend Craft with custom plugins and private modules—or find the integration you’re looking for on the Plugin Store.

Bring ecommerce to your Craft CMS project.
Craft Commerce
The powerful, first-party ecommerce platform for Craft. -
Build the integrated, content-first storefront you’ve always wanted! -
Snipcart by Verbb
Add a flexible, fully-functioning store by integrating with Snipcart.
Add a simple contact form, offer authors comprehensive form builders, or even accept select user-submitted content into Craft.
Freeform by Solspace
A versatile form-building tool, handling simple to very complex forms. -
Formie by Verbb
A user-focused, drag-and-drop forms plugin that content editors will love. -
Contact Form
Easily add an email contact form to your Craft website.
Optimize your content for search engines, and keep it that way.
SEOmatic by nystudio107
Bring comprehensive support for SEO best practices to Craft. -
SEO by Ether Creative
Does three things well: SEO, Sitemaps, and Redirects. -
Retour by nystudio107
Intelligently redirect legacy URLs, and preserve SEO value when rebuilding a site.
For when you’re building a website for you or a friend.
One admin accountThe Solo edition is limited to a single admin account.
Ultra-flexible content modelingDefine custom content types, fields, and relations needed to perfectly contain your unique content requirements.
Multi-site + localizationServe multiple related/localized sites from a single Craft installation.
Advanced previewingPreview your content from multiple targets, including single-page applications.
Twig + GraphQLDefine custom front-end templates, or use Craft headlessly with the auto-generated GraphQL API.
For when you’re building something for a small team.
$99/year for updates after that.
- Everything in Solo, plus:
Five user accounts
One user roleAll user accounts have access to all content management features.
Developer supportGet developer-to-developer support right from the Craft core development team.
For when you’re building something professionally for a business or organization.
$99/year for updates after that.
- Everything in Team, plus:
Unlimited user accountsCreate unlimited user accounts, user groups, user permissions, and public user registration.
Unlimited user rolesCreate user groups with custom permissions.
Branded control panelPersonalize the control panel for your brand.
Branded communicationCustomize system email messages and provide a custom email template.
For when the project has specific licensing requirements and needs.
- Everything in Pro, plus:
First-party SAML SSO
Custom license agreement
Procurement support
Dedicated premium support