Adding PHP Extensions

Nitro is no longer supported. Please see our announcement and DDEV migration guide.

The Docker images Nitro use the craftcms/nginx:<php-version>-dev (opens new window). These images are preconfigured with the PHP extensions required for Craft CMS and Commerce. However, there are times you may need to install additional extensions for a site.

To enable an extension for a site, run the following command:

$ nitro extensions
Select a site:
  1. craft-support.nitro
  2. another-site.nitro
  3. plugins-dev.nitro
  4. tutorial.nitro
Enter your selection: 1
Which PHP extension would you like to enable for craft-support.nitro?
  1. bcmath
  2. bz2
  3. calendar
  4. dba
  5. enchant
Enter your selection: 1
Apply changes now [Y/n] #

The additonal PHP extension will now be stored on your nitro.yaml file underneath the sites PHP version setting:

// removed for brevity
    - hostname: craft-support.nitro
        - support.nitro
      path: ~/dev/support
      version: "7.3"
        - calendar
      webroot: craft-support/web
      xdebug: true

# Supported Extensions

The following extensions are available for installation:

  1. bcmath
  2. bz2
  3. calendar
  4. dba
  5. enchant
  6. exif
  7. gettext
  8. gmp
  9. imap
  10. interbase
  11. ldap
  12. mysqli
  13. oci8
  14. odbc
  15. pcntl
  16. pdo_dblib
  17. pdo_firebird
  18. pdo_oci
  19. pdo_odbc
  20. pdo_sqlite
  21. recode
  22. shmop
  23. snmp
  24. sockets
  25. sysvmsg
  26. sysvsem
  27. sysvshm
  28. tidy
  29. wddx
  30. xmlrpc
  31. xsl
  32. zend_test