
The Craft module is configured through the codeception.yml file.

The Craft module inherits all configuration options from the Yii2 codeception module (opens new window). All its configuration options (opens new window) are thus also available to use and not explained here.

# Config options

# projectConfig

Accepts: Object

The projectConfig option instructs the Craft module if and how to set-up Project Config support for your tests. It accepts an object with the following parameters:

  • folder (required): What folder the Project Config files must be copied from.
    Typically, this is config/project starting from the root of your project. The contents of that folder will be copied into tests/_craft/config/project.
  • reset: Whether Project Config should be reset before each test is run.
    If enabled, Craft will reset the Project Config state to what is specified in the folder parameter. Can safely be disabled if you are not making changes to project config during your tests.

If you are using Project Config for your tests, regular database-backed fixtures for Project Config data (i.e sections) may cause syncing issues. We recommended that you set up your environment using the Project Config support only.

# migrations

Accepts: Array|Object

The migrations parameter accepts an Array of objects with the following parameters.

  • class (required): The migration class.
  • params: Any parameters that must be passed into the migration.

Migrations will be applied before any tests are run.

# plugins

Accepts: Array|Object

The plugins parameter accepts an Array of objects with the following parameters.

Plugins that will be installed before any tests are run. If you are supplying Project Config data for tests, then there is no need to list any plugins here that Project Config will already install.

# dbSetup

Accepts: Object

The dbSetup parameter controls how the database is setup before tests. It accepts an object with the following parameters.

  • clean: Whether all tables should be deleted before any tests.
  • setupCraft: Whether the Install.php migration should be run before any tests.
  • applyMigrations: Whether migrations stored in CRAFT_MIGRATIONS_PATH should be applied before any tests are run.

# edition

Accepts: int

Determines what edition Craft must be in when running your tests and what is returned when calling Craft::$app->getEdition(). If projectConfig is enabled, the edition property will be ignored. To set an edition you must define the desired edition in the project.yml instead.

# PHP Constants

Additionally, you will have to define several PHP Constants for the test suite to use. All of these constants must be defined in the tests/_bootstrap.php.


The storage path Craft can use during testing.


The templates path Craft can use during testing.


The config path Craft can use during testing.

If you’re testing an actual Craft site, this directory cannot be the config directory you use for the production site. Ensure it’s located within the tests/_craft/ folder.


The path to the folder where all your migration classes are stored.


The path to the folder where all your translations are stored.


Path to the vendor directory.