Adopting Craft for an Accessibility-Minded Studio

The W3C website redesign was a project that made us question many things. Not least our go-to CMS for client projects. When we started work with the web standards body we had to take a deep dive into how a CMS would meet their requirements including internationalisation, longevity, community support, and the big one: accessibility.
When, why and how to adopt new technology is an important decision for any agency. This is the story of our journey to adopting Craft CMS and the learning curve that followed. I’ll explain what mattered to the client and what we look for in a CMS platform. I’ll look at the process of how we selected a new CMS and some of the challenges we faced — sometimes very public and unexpected challenges! And I’ll show how becoming part of the Craft community has benefitted Studio 24 both technically and culturally.