Payment Gateway Types

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You can add a payment gateway to Craft Commerce with a custom plugin or module that adds one or more Payment Gateway Types.

Similar to how a Craft Section may have one or more Entry Types, a payment gateway may provide as many Payment Gateway Types as it needs in order to support each way it can take payments.

# Overview

Every payment gateway is different, and writing a Payment Gateway Type requires understanding how that gateway works and how Craft Commerce can connect with it.

It might be easiest to start exploring the dummy gateway (opens new window), which is meant for testing but implements most Craft Commerce gateway functionality including subscriptions.

Writing a Payment Gateway Type requires navigating three sets of needs:

  1. The interface Craft Commerce expects.
  2. The features and payment workflows supported by the gateway.
  3. The needs of the site you’re working with for a private plugin or module, or the needs stores may generally require if you’re writing a plugin for public release.

If you’re not sure where to start planning your Payment Gateway Type, consider the checkout flow from the customer’s perspective beginning with the order page. From there, you can follow the steps a customer should take to complete an order and identify each required gateway interaction.

# Payment Gateway Class

You’ll need to write a gateway class that implements GatewayInterface (opens new window). Take a look at the class to quickly see the methods you’ll work with.

At a high level, a Craft Commerce gateway may use the following parts:

  • Methods that return true or false to indicate gateway feature support.
  • An HTML settings view for managing details like API keys from the Craft control panel.
  • A model for collecting and validating payment form details that are sent to the gateway.
  • Vital methods that facilitate payment: purchase(), capture(), refund(), etc.
  • Front end responses and redirects that facilitate the customer journey.
  • A publicly-available endpoint that can receive webhook events from the gateway.

It may be easiest to extend the Gateway (opens new window) or SubscriptionGateway (opens new window) classes in order to save time and minimize the amount of code you need to write.

Let’s walk through the customer order process to highlight different gateway interactions.

# Checkout Page

Our imaginary customer adds items to a cart and chooses to check out.

They’ll provide required order information before any payment details.

At this stage the Craft developer—the person building the site that uses your gateway—may wish to present gateway options to the customer so they can choose how they’ll pay.

Your gateway class can use availableForUseWithOrder($order) (opens new window) to examine the order and return true if the gateway should be available as a payment option. Even if the store doesn’t expose customer-facing gateway selection, this method is called immediately before sending payment information to the gateway to make sure it should. This can be useful, for example, to prevent a $0.00 “charge” from being attempted when there’s no need for it.

public function availableForUseWithOrder(\craft\commerce\elements\Order $order): bool
    // only allow this gateway for orders in Australia
    return $order->getBillingAddress()->countryIso === 'AU';

# Payment Page

The customer provided order information and needs to be prompted for payment information. (This doesn’t have to be presented on its own page, we’re just separating the step for illustration.)

The Craft developer has to provide a form for these payment details. Your gateway can save that developer time by implementing getPaymentFormHtml() (opens new window) to return markup with fields required specifically by your gateway. This can be something that helps the developer get started more quickly or that they end up styling for production.

A PayPal buy button and Stripe credit card form are common examples of HTML that might be returned by getPaymentFormHtml().

Markup for the Craft control panel only needs to look great in the control panel.
Markup for a store’s front end, however, should be as simple and flexible as possible since its appearance varies greatly depending on the project.

# Submitting Payment

The customer fills out and submits the payment form, which posts to /commerce/payments/pay (opens new window).

We already know our gateway will be used because it was either selected in an earlier step or referenced in the gatewayId form parameter.

Commerce validates the order, populates the gateway’s provided getPaymentFormModel() (opens new window) with the request data, and validates that populated model.

The form data can be individual fields or a payment source, meaning a reference to a saved set of fields the customer established at some other point. A gateway supporting payment sources must return true for supportsPaymentSources() (opens new window), and it can then receive a paymentSourceId form parameter in place of separate payment fields. If a paymentSourceId is submitted that’s available to the customer, that payment source will be loaded and used to populate the payment form model.

Payment sources must be established prior to checkout with the gateway’s createPaymentSource() (opens new window) method. It’s best to allow the customer to add and delete payment sources by posting to /commerce/payment-sources/add (opens new window) and /commerce/payment-sources/delete (opens new window).

The site’s front end should prompt the customer to correct any validation errors.

With the order and payment gateway details good to go, Commerce saves a new pending transaction for the order with the amount owing. This transaction is saved with a hash we’ll come back to later.

The payment amount can be a partial payment against the order. These are allowed by default, but a gateway can return false for supportsPartialPayments() to disallow partial payments.

Next, Commerce initiates the configured payment method.

# Initiating a Payment

If there weren’t any validation errors, our customer is still waiting immediately after submitting the payment form as we slow down time to explore what’s happening.

We’ve got valid order and payment information and Commerce will now use Payments::processPayment() (opens new window) to call the gateway’s authorize() (opens new window) or purchase() (opens new window) method. Which one depends on two things:

  1. What the gateway supports.
  2. How the gateway is configured by the store manager.

Payment type support needs to be defined by the gateway’s supportsAuthorize() (opens new window) and supportsPurchase() (opens new window) methods.

The gateway’s paymentType (opens new window) setting, which can be available to the store manager in the control panel, is what determines which supported type should be used at checkout. (You can use getPaymentTypeOptions() (opens new window) to customize the key+value select menu items to be displayed in the control panel.)

In the authorize-capture flow, authorize() will be called and a store manager will need to explicitly capture payment in the control panel separately—which calls your gateway’s capture() method.

If the payment can be processed immediately, Commerce will call your gateway’s purchase() method.

Your gateway’s authorize(), purchase(), and capture() methods must each return a RequestResponseInterface (opens new window). This is a sort of Commerce-specific Response (opens new window) to a gateway action, meaning something relevant to a transaction that should be recorded. In addition to the status and data from the gateway, this response may also specify where the customer should end up next.

If the submitted payment details accept a JSON response, the returned JSON will include failure reasons or 'success' => true along with relevant cart, redirect, and transaction details.

RequestResponseInterface is critical in determining the customer’s exact payment steps through to completion. Let’s see what those steps can look like.

# Off-Site Payment

If isRedirect is true in that response, Commerce will send the customer to its getRedirectUrl() location using getRedirectMethod() and getRedirectData().

Once redirected, Commerce expects the customer to be returned to /commerce/payments/complete-payment (opens new window) with a commerceTransactionHash parameter. This hash must match the pending transaction that was saved before initiating the payment. Commerce calls Payments::completePayment() (opens new window) to ensure already-completed transactions are skipped and that either completePurchase() or completeAuthorize() is called.

Success or redirect responses will update the order as complete and send the customer to the order’s returnUrl.

Failure will send the customer to the order’s cancelUrl.

# On-Site Payment

If the payment is successful and there isn’t a required redirect, Commerce will send the customer to the order’s returnUrl or a URL specified in the payment form data’s redirect parameter.

# Asynchronous Payment Steps

If the gateway needs to utilize webhook interactions at any point in the process, it can return true for supportsWebhooks() (opens new window) and Commerce will call processWebhook() (opens new window) when the gateway’s webhook receives a request.

The store manager will automatically see a read-only Webhook URL under the Name and Handle fields after adding your Payment Gateway Type to the store. Its format will be foo.test/index.php?actions/commerce/webhooks/process-webhook&gateway=2, where 2 is the ID of the configured Payment Gateway Type.

For example, the Stripe Strong Customer Authentication (opens new window) (SCA) process uses webhooks to send the customer back to the order’s returnUrl but call completePayment() from a webhook instead of the complete-payment controller action mentioned above.

Any time a gateway sends requests to Commerce, complete request data is available via Craft::$app->getRequest(). This can be useful for writing code that completes payments and responds to webhooks.

# Subscription Gateway Class

Like the payment gateway class, the subscription gateway class describes the features it supports and involves a handful of important methods for carrying out common actions related to subscription payments.

A key difference is that subscriptions are ongoing, so the Commerce gateway will necessarily be reacting to webhooks after the initial subscription is established. The subscription is an element in the system and webhooks will ultimately keep it up to date.

The Commerce subscription gateway interface was built with the Stripe gateway (opens new window) in mind, so familiarity with Stripe will help when you’re planning your own gateway implementation.

You’ll need to write a gateway class that extends Gateway (opens new window) and implements SubscriptionGatewayInterface (opens new window). Looking at its methods will give you a quick idea of what your gateway implementation may need.

Mapping a specific gateway’s functionality to the Commerce gateway may be challenging since subscriptions are handled differently among payment gateways, but most interactions will be the result of either recurring charges or customer-driven actions. In the control panel, subscriptions may be edited and have their payment history refreshed.

# Registering a Payment Gateway Type

Register your custom gateway type using the registerGatewayTypes event in your plugin or custom module’s init() method:

use craft\events\RegisterComponentTypesEvent;
use craft\commerce\services\Gateways;
use yii\base\Event;

    function(RegisterComponentTypesEvent $event) {
        $event->types[] = MyGateway::class;

# Exploring Further

To see example gateways in the wild, see the list of first-party gateway plugins on the Payment Gateways page and additional gateways on the Craft Plugin Store (opens new window).