Line Item Statuses

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Line item statuses are preset labels that can optionally be applied to an order’s line items.

Unlike the order status, a line item’s status is not required. It has no functional impact on the line item or its order; it provides the ability to designate a status for store managers. It could be used internally or to communicate stock status to the customer—an item being back-ordered, for example.

Commerce does not add any line item statuses by default, but you can add and manage them by navigating to CommerceSystem SettingsLine Item Statuses. When choosing New line item status you’ll need to specify a Name, Handle, and optional Color.

A single line item status may also be designated as the default, meaning new line items will be assigned that status when an order is completed.

As soon as one or more line item status has been created, you can change it by choosing Edit for any line item in the control panel and selecting the desired status or None and updating the order.