
You are viewing documentation for an unreleased version of Craft Commerce. Please be aware that some pages, screenshots, and technical reference may still reflect older versions.

Commerce 5 features a sophisticated new multi-warehouse inventory management system.

# Stock

“Stock” is now tracked for each purchasable (or SKU, traditionally) in each configured location.

You will encounter inventory primarily within each variant’s edit screen. To start tracking inventory, turn on Inventory, and

Inventory information is available in your templates, as well. This example disables <select> menu options that report having no inventory, to prevent customers from trying to add them to the cart:

{# Assuming we’re on a product page... #}

<form method="post">
  {{ csrfInput() }}
  {{ actionInput('commerce/cart/update-cart') }}

  <select name="purchasableId">
    {% for variant in product.variants %}
      {{ tag('option', {
        text: variant.title,
        disabled: not variant.hasStock(),
      }) }}
    {% endfor %}

  <button>Add to Cart</button>

# Locations

Commerce tracks inventory with locations. Locations are defined globally, then associated with one or more stores.

To add a location, visit

  1. Commerce
  2. Inventory
  3. Locations
, then click New location. Locations have a Name, Handle, and an address.

When you check the stock of a purchasable, Commerce gets the total inventory across all locations associated with the store. Not all locations have to be associated with a store! If you need to track stock that you don’t intend to

# Levels

To support a variety of fulfillment and handling processes, Commerce provides multiple distinct “quantities” per location and item.

  • On Hand (onHandTotal) — Combined total of available, committed, quality control, safety, reserved, and damaged.
  • Available (availableTotal) — Total inventory available for purchase. When this reaches zero, the item is considered “out of stock” and will prevent orders from being completed.
  • Committed (committedTotal) — Inventory allocated to completed (but unfulfilled) orders.
  • Reserved (reservedTotal), Damaged (damagedTotal), Safety (safetyTotal), and Quality Control (qualityControlTotal) — Predefined designations that can be used to hold additional inventory that is not available for purchase.
  • Incoming (incomingTotal) — Inventory that is expected to arrive via a transfer.
  • Unavailable (unavailableTotal) — Combined total of quality control, safety, reserved, and damaged.

Some inventory levels cannot be directly manipulated: Committed, for instance, is used exclusively for holding inventory after an order is completed, but prior to fulfillment. On Hand is synthesized from multiple other totals, but can be set—changes to it are actually applied to the Available inventory, allowing an employee counting inventory to update stock in the system without having to manually deduct committed or other non-available items.

# Transfers

This page describes unreleased features coming in the Commerce 5 beta. Please stay tuned for updates!

When you need to move inventory from one location to another, consider using a transfer. Transfers encapsulate one or more changes to locations’ inventory, and can be drafted and executed by different users.


  1. Commerce
  2. Store Management
  3. Inventory
  4. Transfers
to set up a new transfer.

# Transactions

Any time inventory is moved between locations (as part of a transfer), directly altered, or changed in response to a completed order, Commerce logs this as an inventory transaction. Transactions can be viewed in the History tab of any inventory item.