
This document is for a version of Craft CMS that is no longer supported. Please refer to the latest version →

You can access your site’s tags from your templates via craft.tags. It returns an ElementCriteriaModel object.

{% for tag in'blogTags') %}
  <li><a href="{{ url('blog/tags/' }}">{{ tag.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

# Parameters

craft.tags supports the following parameters:

# fixedOrder

If set to true, tags will be returned in the same order as the IDs entered in the id param.

# group

Only fetch tags that belong to a given tag group(s), referenced by its handle.

# groupId

Only fetch tags that belong to a given tag group(s), referenced by its ID.

# id

Only fetch the tag with the given ID(s).

# indexBy

Indexes the results by a given property. Possible values include 'id' and 'title'.

# limit

Limits the results to X tags. The default value is 100. null will return all tags.

# locale

The locale the tags should be returned in. (Defaults to the current site locale.)

# offset

Skips the first X tags. For example, if you set offset(1), the would-be second asset returned becomes the first.

# order

The order the tags should be returned in. Possible values include 'title', 'id', 'groupId', 'dateCreated', and 'dateUpdated', as well as any textual custom field handles. If you want the entries to be sorted in descending order, add “desc” after the property name (ex: 'title desc'). The default value is 'title asc'.

# relatedTo

Only fetch tags that are related to certain other elements. (See relations for the syntax options.)

Only fetch tags that match a given search query. (See searching for the syntax and available search attributes.)

# slug

Only fetch the tag with the given slug.

# title

Only fetch the tag with the given title(s).