
This document is for a version of Craft CMS that is no longer supported. Please refer to the latest version →

You can access your site’s entries from your templates via craft.entries. It returns an ElementCriteriaModel object.

{% for entry in craft.entries.section('news').limit(10) %}
    <h1><a href="{{ entry.url }}">{{ entry.title }}</a></h1>
    {{ entry.summary }}
    <a href="{{ entry.url }}">Continue reading</a>
{% endfor %}

# Parameters

craft.entries supports the following parameters:

# after

Only fetch entries with a Post Date that is on or after the given date.

You can specify dates in the following formats:

  • YYYY
  • A Unix timestamp
  • A DateTime variable

# ancestorOf

Only fetch entries that are an ancestor of a given entry within a Structure section. Accepts an EntryModel object.

# ancestorDist

Only fetch entries that are a given number of levels above the entry specified by the ancestorOf param.

# archived

Only fetch entries that have been archived by setting this to true.

# authorGroup

Only fetch entries that were authored by users who belong to the group with the given handle.

# authorGroupId

Only fetch entries that were authored by users who belong to the group with the given ID.

# authorId

Only fetch entries that were authored by the user with the given ID.

# before

Only fetch entries with a Post Date that is before the given date.

You can specify dates in the following formats:

  • YYYY
  • A Unix timestamp
  • A DateTime variable

# level

Only fetch entries at a certain level within a Structure section.

# localeEnabled

Set to false to fetch entries which aren’t actually enabled for the current site locale. (By default they won’t show up.)

# descendantOf

Only fetch entries that are a descendant of a given entry within a Structure section. Accepts an EntryModel object.

# descendantDist

Only fetch entries that are a given number of levels below the entry specified by the descendantOf param.

# fixedOrder

If set to true, entries will be returned in the same order as the IDs entered in the id param.

# id

Only fetch the entry with the given ID.

# indexBy

Indexes the results by a given property. Possible values include 'id' and 'title'.

# limit

Limits the results to X entries. The default value is 100. null will return all entries.

# locale

The locale the entries should be returned in. (Defaults to the current site locale.)

# nextSiblingOf

Only fetch the entry which is the next sibling of the given entry within a Structure section. Accepts either an EntryModel object or an entry’s ID.

# offset

Skips the first X entries.

For example, if you set offset(1), the would-be second entry returned becomes the first.

# order

The order the entries should be returned in. Possible values include 'title', 'id', 'authorId', 'sectionId', 'slug', 'uri', 'postDate', 'expiryDate', 'dateCreated', and 'dateUpdated', as well as any textual custom field handles. If you want the entries to be sorted in descending order, add “desc” after the property name (ex: 'postDate desc'). The default value is 'postDate desc'.

# positionedAfter

Only fetch entries which are positioned after the given entry within a Structure section. Accepts either an EntryModel object or an entry’s ID.

# positionedBefore

Only fetch entries which are positioned before the given entry within a Structure section. Accepts either an EntryModel object or an entry’s ID.

# postDate

Fetch entries based on their Post Date.

# prevSiblingOf

Only fetch the entry which is the previous sibling of the given entry within a Structure section. Accepts either an EntryModel object or an entry’s ID.

# relatedTo

Only fetch entries that are related to certain other elements. (See relations for the syntax options.)

Only fetch entries that match a given search query. (See searching for the syntax and available search attributes.)

# section

Only fetch entries that belong to a given section(s). Accepted values include a section handle, an array of section handles, or a SectionModel object.

# sectionId

Only fetch entries that belong to a given section(s), referenced by its ID.

# siblingOf

Only fetch entries which are siblings of the given entry within a Structure section. Accepts either an EntryModel object or an entry’s ID.

# slug

Only fetch the entry with the given slug.

# status

Only fetch entries with the given status. Possible values are 'live', 'pending', 'expired', 'disabled', and null. The default value is 'live'. null will return all entries regardless of status.

An entry is 'live' if it is enabled, has a Post Date in the past and an Expiration Date in the future. An entry is 'pending' if it is enabled and has Post and Expiration Dates in the future. An entry is 'expired' if it is enabled and has Post and Expiration Dates in the past.

# title

Only fetch entries with the given title.

# type

Only fetch entries of the given entry type. This parameter accepts an entry type handle.

# uri

Only fetch the entry with the given URI.