
Nitro is no longer supported. Please see our announcement and DDEV migration guide.

# add

Adds a new site to the machine.

nitro add [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.
The hostname to use for accessing the site. If not passed, the command will prompt for it.
The relative path to the site’s web root. If not passed, the command will prompt for it.
Skips updating the hosts file.

# Example

$ cd /path/to/project
$ nitro add
Enter the hostname [plugins-dev] example.test
Enter the web root [web]
Added plugins-dev to config file.
Apply changes from config? [yes]
Mounting /path/to/project to nitro-dev
Adding site example.test to nitro-dev
Applied changes from /Users/oli/.nitro/nitro-dev.yaml
Editing your hosts file
Password: ******

# apply

Ensures the machine exists and applies any config changes to it.

nitro apply [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.
Skips updating the hosts file.

# Example

$ nitro apply
There are 2 mounted directories and 1 new mount(s) in the config file.
Applied changes from nitro.yaml.

# completion

Generates shell completion for Nitro commands.

# context

Shows the machine’s configuration.

nitro context [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro context
Machine: nitro-dev
php: "7.4"
- source: ~/sites/demo-site
  dest: /home/ubuntu/sites/demo-site
- engine: mysql
  version: "5.7"
  port: "3306"
- engine: postgres
  version: "12"
  port: "5432"
- hostname: demo-site
  webroot: /home/ubuntu/sites/demo-site/web

# create

Sets up a new Craft installation without requiring PHP or Composer to be installed locally.

You’ll be prompted for a project name and hostname, and Nitro will...

  • Create a new directory with the supplied project name.
  • Download Craft CMS.
  • Establish a project .env with environment, app ID, security key, and primary site URL settings.
  • Update its configuration to include the new site.
  • Apply the configuration changes to the relevant machine.

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro create
What is the name of the project? example
Enter the hostname [example] example.test
Downloading Craft CMS...
Creating project folder example...
Added example.test to config file
Apply changes from config? [yes]
Mounting ~/sites/example to nitro-dev
Adding site example.test to nitro-dev
Applied changes from /Users/oli/.nitro/nitro-dev.yaml

Add your database settings to .env before running the installer.

# db add

Creates a new database on a database engine in a machine.

nitro db add [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro db add
  1 - postgres_11_5432
  2 - mysql_5.7_3306
Select database engine [1] 2
Enter the name of the database: mynewproject
Added database "mynewproject" to "mysql_5.7_3306".

# db backup

Backs up one or all databases from a database engine in a machine.

nitro db backup [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro db backup
  1 - postgres_11_5432
  2 - mysql_5.7_3306
Select database engine [1]
  1 - all-dbs
  2 - postgres
  3 - nitro
  4 - project-one
Select database to backup? [1]
Created backup "all-dbs-200519_100730.sql", downloading...
Backup completed and stored in "/Users/oli/.nitro/backups/nitro-dev/postgres_11_5432/all-dbs-200519_100730.sql"

# db import

Imports a database dump into a machine’s database engine. You’ll be prompted with a list of running database engines (MySQL and PostgreSQL) and the database name that should receive the import.

The SQL file to be imported may be plain text, or compressed with zip or gzip.

nitro db import <file> [<options>]

For uncompressed files, the command will detect and automatically select the database engine.

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro db import mybackup.sql
  1 - mysql_5.7_3306
  2 - postgres_11_5432
Select database engine [1]
Enter the database name to create for the import: new-project
Uploading "mybackup.sql" into "nitro-dev" (large files may take a while)...
Successfully import the database backup into new-project

# db remove

Removes a database from a database engine in a machine, but not from the config file.

nitro db remove [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro db remove
  1 - postgres_11_5432
  2 - mysql_5.7_3306
Select database engine: [1]
  1 - nitro
  2 - project-one

Are you sure you want to permanently remove the database nitro? [no]
Removed database nitro

# db restart

Restarts a database engine in a machine.

nitro db restart [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro db restart
  1 - postgres_11_5432
  2 - mysql_5.7_3306
Select database engine to restart: [1]
Restarted database engine postgres_11_5432

# db start

Starts a stopped database engine in a machine.

nitro db start [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro db start
  1 - postgres_11_5432
  2 - mysql_5.7_3306
Select database engine to start: [1]
Started database engine postgres_11_5432

# db stop

Stops a database engine in a machine.

nitro db stop [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro db stop
  1 - postgres_11_5432
  2 - mysql_5.7_3306
Select database engine to stop: [1]
Stopped database engine postgres_11_5432

# destroy

Destroys a machine.

nitro destroy [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.
Remove the configuration file after destroying the machine. Defaults to false.
Skips updating the hosts file.

# edit

Opens your machine configuration file in your default editor for quickly making changes.

nitro edit [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

nitro edit

If you’re running macOS or Linux, you can set an EDITOR environment variable in ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.zshrc for ZSH) to your preferred text editor of choice.

export EDITOR="/Applications/Sublime Text"

After adding that line, restart your terminal or run source ~/.bash_profile for the change to take effect.

Alternatively, you can open the configuration file using your operating system’s default text editor for .yaml files by running this command:

open ~/.nitro/nitro-dev.yaml

(Replace nitro-dev with the appropriate machine name if it’s not that.)

# info

Shows machine details like its IP address and PHP version.

nitro info [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro info
Nitro installed, ready for something incredible at

Add a project with "nitro add <directory>".

Server Information
IP address:
PHP version: 7.4

Need help setting up Xdebug?

Need help using Nitro?

# init

Initializes a machine.

nitro init [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.
The PHP version to use. If omitted, the command will prompt for it.
The max number of CPUs the machine can use. If omitted, Nitro will try to determine the best number based on the host computer.
The max amount of system RAM the machine can use. If omitted, the command will prompt for it.
The max amount of disk space the machine can use. If omitted, the command will prompt for it.

If the machine already exists, it will be reconfigured.

# install composer

Installs composer inside a virtual machine.

nitro install composer

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro install composer
Composer is now installed on "nitro-dev".

# install mysql

Adds a new MySQL database engine.

nitro install mysql

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro install mysql
Enter the MySQL version to install: 5.6
Enter the MySQL port number: 3306
Adding MySQL version "5.6" on port "3306"
Apply changes from config now? [yes]

# install postgres

Adds a new PostgreSQL database engine.

nitro install postgres

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro install postgres
Enter the PostgreSQL version to install: 11
Enter the MySQL port number: 5432
Adding MySQL version "11" on port "5432"
Apply changes from config now? [yes]

# keys

Imports SSH keys into a virtual machine for use with Composer, git, etc.

nitro keys [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# Example

$ nitro keys
  1 - id_rsa
  2 - personal_rsa
Select the key to add to "nitro-dev"? [1]
Transferred the key "id_rsa" into "nitro-dev".

# logs

Displays the machine’s logs. This command will prompt you for a type of logs to view, including e.g. nginx, database, or docker (for a specific container).

nitro logs [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# nginx restart

Restarts nginx on a machine.

nitro nginx restart [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# nginx start

Starts nginx on the machine.

nitro nginx start [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# nginx stop

Stops nginx on the machine.

nitro nginx stop [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# php iniget

Outputs PHP ini setting values.

nitro php iniget [<options>] <setting>

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.
Hides any output when the command is run.

# php iniset

Changes PHP ini settings from the command line. This command will prompt for the setting to change, including e.g. display_errors, max_execution_time, max_input_vars, max_input_time, max_file_upload, memory_limit, upload_max_filesize.

nitro php iniset [<options>] <setting> <value>

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# php restart

Restarts PHP-FPM on the machine.

nitro php restart [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.
The PHP version to restart. If omitted, the machine’s default PHP version is used.

# php start

Starts PHP-FPM on the machine.

nitro php start [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.
The PHP version to start. If omitted, the machine’s default PHP version is used.

# php stop

Stops PHP-FPM on the machine.

nitro php stop [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.
The PHP version to stop. If omitted, the machine’s default PHP version is used.

# redis

Starts a Redis shell.

nitro redis [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# refresh

Updates the Nitro CLI’s internal API. (This should be run after a self-update.)

# remove

Removes a site from the machine.

nitro remove [<options>]

You’ll be prompted to select the site that should be removed. If the site has a corresponding mount at /home/ubuntu/sites/<hostname>, the mount will be removed as well.

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# rename

Renames a site in a configuration file, prompting for which site should be renamed.

nitro rename [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# restart

Restarts a machine.

nitro restart [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# self-update

Updates the Nitro CLI.

nitro self-update

This command does not work on Windows. You will need to perform a manual installation.

# ssh

Tunnels into the machine over SSH as the default ubuntu user.

nitro ssh [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

If you’re using Git Bash in Windows, you’ll need to use winpty nitro ssh to get an interactive prompt.

# start

Starts the machine.

nitro start [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# stop

Stops the machine.

nitro stop [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# support

Quickly create a GitHub issue with helpful details for getting support.

nitro support [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# update

Performs machine system updates (e.g. sudo apt get update && sudo apt upgrade -y).

nitro update [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.

# version

Checks the current version of Nitro against the releases and shows any updated versions.

nitro version

# xdebug off / xoff

Disables Xdebug on a machine.

nitro xoff [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.
The PHP version for which Xdebug should be disabled. If omitted, the machine’s default PHP version is used.
Hides any output when the command is run.

# xdebug on / xon

Enables Xdebug, which is installed and disabled by default on each machine.

nitro xon [<options>]

# Options

-m, --machine
The name of the machine to use. Defaults to nitro-dev.
The PHP version for which Xdebug should be enabled. If omitted, the machine’s default PHP version is used.
Hides any output when the command is run.

Ensures Xdebug is installed for PHP and enables it.