
You are viewing documentation for an unreleased version of Craft Commerce. Please be aware that some pages, screenshots, and technical reference may still reflect older versions.

Commerce represents a customer’s cart with the same object as a completed order, which means working with data before and after checkout is familiar.

The snippets on this page are simplified versions of concepts illustrated in our example templates.

# Accessing the Cart

A customer’s cart is always available via craft.commerce.carts.cart. The cart may exist only in-memory; until a customer interacts with it in some way (typically by adding an item—but also saving a custom field, setting their email, adding an address, etc.), Commerce does not bother saving carts to the database.

If you do want a cart to be persisted for every visitor, you can force Commerce to save it by passing true:

{# Get a cart and ensure it's persisted: #}
{% set cart = craft.commerce.carts.cart %}

{{ cart.number }}

This is generally not necessary, and can have significant performance impacts on high-traffic stores.

# Displaying Cart Contents

A cart’s contents is tracked via line items. Line items are populated from purchasables (out-of-the-box, this will almost always be a product variant), and have a quantity, description, notes, a calculated subtotal, options, adjustments (like tax and shipping costs), and other metadata. Most importantly, the line item retains a reference to its purchasable—but even in the event a product or variant is altered or deleted after a customer checks out, enough information is memoized on each line item to reconstruct what was purchased, and how much was paid.

# Displaying Notices

Should a something about a cart change (like the price of a line item, its total, shipping method eligibility, coupon validity, or the availability of a purchasable), Commerce will add a notice to the cart with an explanation of what happened.

You can display notices to the customer by looping over cart.notices:

{% set notices = cart.notices %}

{% if notices %}
    {% for notice in notices %}
      <li class="notice notice--{{ notice.type }}">{{ notice.message }}</li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Each notice has message and type attributes.

# Clearing Notices

To clear notices, send a POST request to the commerce/cart/update-cart action with any value in the clearNotices param:

<form method="post">
  {{ csrfInput() }}
  {{ actionInput('commerce/cart/update-cart') }}
  {{ hiddenInput('clearNotices', 'Yes, please!') }}

  <button>Clear Notices</button>

Notices may be re-added to a cart any time its contents change, or prices are recalculated.

# Managing Cart Contents

Cart contents are typically updated via an HTML form, but Commerce also supports JSON payloads over Ajax, for headless storefronts.

# Adding Items

To add an item to the cart, send a purchasableId the commerce/cart/update-cart action:

<form method="post">
  {{ csrfInput() }}
  {{ actionInput('commerce/cart/update-cart') }}

  <select name="purchasableId">
    {% for variant in product.variants %}
      <option value="{{ }}">{{ variant.sku }}</option>
    {% endfor %}

  <button>Add Item</button>

# Setting Quantity